UCSF is committed to assisting learners with disabilities reach their full potential and succeed in our educational environment while maintaining the privacy of all learners. Early communications with SDS and your Graduate Program in Physical Therapy liaison are essential to implementing accommodations in a timely manner.
Accommodations (quarterly steps)
- Student Disability Services (SDS) will confidentially email your accommodation letter to Drs. Amber Fitzsimmons, Theresa Jaramillo, Jet Lee, Angela Shoga and to you directly. The SDS office can be reached at (415) 476-6595 or [email protected].
- It is your responsibility to send your accommodation letter and speak individually with each course director at the start of each quarter to set up the accommodations. This is essential to ensure that your accommodations are effective and beneficial for you.
- Using accommodations each quarter is your prerogative. Therefore, at the beginning of each quarter, students must notify their new course directors of their accommodations. Contacting your instructors in a timely manner is essential, as accommodations are not retroactive.
Accommodations in the Clinical Setting
Accommodations in the clinical setting may differ from those in the didactic/classroom setting. SDS will work with Dr Jo Bergh [email protected] and clinical instructors to determine if the requested accommodations are reasonable and do not alter essential outcomes of the program requirements or technical standards.
If there are any questions or concerns, please contact SDS and/or Drs. Fitzsimmons or Jaramillo immediately, and we will engage in the interactive process to resolve the concern.
San Francisco State University (SF STATE) DPRC
The DPRC will honor accommodations approved by UCSF SDS. UCSF Disability Services will submit your accommodation letter to DPRC at SF State to keep on file in case there is any specific support students need for their courses at SF State. Please contact Nicole Redding: [email protected], your SDS advisor at SFSU if you have any questions.
Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy exam accommodations and information:
Students requesting accommodations for this exam should visit the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy website for important information about the exam. Processes can vary based on jurisdiction. Students taking this exam in California should visit the Physical Therapy Board of California website for more information and the appropriate form. The request for accommodations form is due at least 2 weeks prior to registering for the exam. Any questions regarding deadlines and procedures should be directed to Dr. Jaramillo.